Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guesting on Rock Ed Radio Tonight!

If you're near a radio tonight, tune in to NU107 at 8pm for Rock Ed Radio. The topic is Nightmare Before Christmas and I'm guesting along with Rhyan Carlos, horror movie director. My guess is that we're going to talk about all things to be sacred of this holiday season. Like that commie Santa Claus and his brainwashed worker elves for example.

In other news, here's an early review of the Philippine Genre Stories horror issue on the ABS News website. Yay! As for the actual issue itself, it'll be out soon, giving us ample time to build it up for you so that once ithits the shelves, you absolutely, positively must buy one for each member of your barangay and their dentists. A better Christmas gift you cannot find elsewhere, di ba, KYu? :)

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