Friday, June 06, 2008

What Would Make Me Turn Buddhist

I'm not the most religious person in the world but I do have a steady faith in what I'm supposed to believe in.

Now, I have, for two seconds each, I have considered switching to either Roman Catholicism or Buddhism. Here's why:

Roman Catholicism
Behold, the Calendario Romano 2008. Two years ago, I posted about a calendar of hot Roman Catholic priests. It's nice to know that they're continuing the tradition. Such man candy should be shared.

Speaking of man candy, check out my reason for switching to Buddhism. His name is Trinlay Tulku Rinpoche and he's a reincarnation of an important Buddhist teacher. More importantly, he's hot! If all religious teachers were this hot, people would stop going to the movies and go to church instead.

I know I would.

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