Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm in Baguio, Baby!

That's right! I'm in Baguio City. The City of Pines. Burnham's Bosom (Made that up, not sure if Burnham had a bosom). The Summer Capital of the Philippines. One of the most Haunted Cities in the Country.

Anson has given mea listof restaurants to try... will see if I can get my but to them. Right now, I'm just happy to be working in an "office" with a view. So this is what being a CEO feels like. I could get used to this.

Aside from the stuff on Anson's list, I alsohope to be able to visit SM Baguio, the place where, as told to me by two different people, both of them "sensitive," not all the people you see are alive.


Charles said...


And ghosts should be right up your alley, oh Queen of Philippine Horror.

Argie said...

Make sure to let me know all the good foodie places! I need more places to go when we come back!

Computer Repairs Cape Coral said...

Great shhare